The late Ms. Gertrude Kabatalemwa Founder and Director of NEEPUganda labored for the kingdom of God in her native land of Uganda.

In the past, she has served her nation as secretary to the president.

The burden of her heart was for the good news of Jesus and His coming kingdom to become deeply rooted, firmly grounded, and abundantly fruitful in the lives of the people of Uganda.

As so much of the adult population of her nation has been decimated by AIDS, Ms. Kabatalemwa saw the most urgent need is the increasing numbers of children orphaned by AIDS roaming the streets.

Grandmothers had been trying to raise these children with very little or no income to feed them. So, Gertrude organized these grandmothers into a cottage industry to help raise a livelihood for them. The grandmothers were also teaching the children to carry on the skill and art of basket weaving.

Subsequently, Ms. Kabatalemwa established a school for as many as 600 needy children. Through this school and other entrepreneurial projects NEEPUganda continues to be Uganda’s Effort to Eradicate Poverty in Uganda.

Although Ms. Gertrude Kabatalemwa went to be with the Lover of her soul in 2015 her children and trained staff continue her God given vision in Uganda.

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